It's been awhile since I've been back here to write. The words seem to be just lingering lately, so I'm probably just going to ramble. This year has been one of many great shifts and transitions. It seems like every corner I turn there is a new person or situation stirring up some kind of deeply embedded seed of an emotion that I've chosen not to look at. I believe we see ourselves through the eyes of others. That people are placed strategically in our lives to unearth, expose and to shine a light on things we might not want to take a look at. This year has tested my faith. Period. I watched almost every plan and pursuit I had literally crumble before my eyes, redirecting me onto a different path. And I went into it swinging. This isn't where I'm supposed to be. I've tried so hard, it's not fair, I deserve better. I refuted it to the point that it had made my life a living hell, rather than just falling back and accepting that maybe there are larger things at play. Maybe, it's not all up to me. I feel like there is a time to insert our free will and ego into our lives and a time to completely step out of the game and rely solely on a higher guidance. It's made take a long hard look at myself and my intentions. Where do I see myself? Who is it that I really want to be. What do I want to give back to the world?